Week 6

Puzzle of the Week

Hans Joachim Hecht (HaJo Hecht) celebrated his 85th birthday on 29 January, Klaus Darga follows him on 24 February with his 90th birthday. These two native Berliner and computer experts, together with the Munich judge Wolfgang Unzicker, the Bamberg Karl May publisher Lothar Schmid (both already deceased), the Cologne classical philologist Robert Hübner and Dr. Helmut Pfleger, formed the the West German chess team for decades. And with great success!

What was Whites winning move and combination?

Hans Joachim Hecht - Theodor Ghitescu

Full game with annotation and training can be found here

Game of the Week

We are close to start of the next Cahmpions Legaue. What is the Campions League? The ICCF Champions League (ICCF-CL) is a correspondence chess team tournament played in biennial cycle seasons. The teams are divided into three divisions: A Division, B Division and C Division. Teams can be promoted or relegated at the end of each season. Teams made up of 4 players, who do not necessarily have to come from the same country, participate in the ICCF-CL. It is possible to have teams with players of several nationalities.

In the light of the upcoming start and me playing in a new team - FSB Thuringia I - Board 4 I found this one from Champions Legaue 2021 very interesting.

Maxim Konstantinov ( The 4 Musketeers) vs. Jan M. Vosselmann (64 for 4)