Week 10

Puzzle of the Week

This tactics is from Czech Extraliga 2023-24 were Toms Kantans found the right move in his game with Peter Michalik. Toms Kantāns is a chess grandmaster, born in Riga, Latvia. Riga has been home to several chess legends like former world champion GM Mikhail Tal, GM Alexei Shirov, and Aron Nimzowitsch. The city has hosted significant chess events such as the FIDE Chess.com Grand Swiss and the Riga Technical University Open.

As for chess clubs, the Riga Chess Club is a notable one. They host various events including open unrated games and dice chess. Club members are offered a chess board, an electronic clock, and a 20% discount on the pub’s bar bill. The club is cozy and located in the heart of the old town.

The Riga Chess Club also functions as a bar and is a popular spot for chess enthusiasts.

What is the winning move for White and how would you continue to carry the triumpf home?

In case you need it, Fritz is giving you hints.